Site Neurospin
NeuroSpin (CEA, France) is seeking to fill a tenured-research position dedicated to human functional MRI at ultra-high field (UHF). Two kinds of profiles will be considered: 1. A cognitive neuroscientist with an ambitious research program aimed at elucidating the cerebral organization of one or more well-identified cognitive processes (e.g. vision, language, learning, etc.), using advanced fMRI methods allowing access to the organization of the cortex and subcortical regions at high resolution (for example their subdivision into columns or specialized cortical layers). We are looking for candidates with experience in 3T, 7T or higher-field field interested in leveraging the potential of the unique 11.7T system, and possibly other brain-imaging modalities such as EEG, MEG or intracranial recordings, whose research program would strongly benefit from research on the clinical 11.7T MRI system available at NeuroSpin. 2. or a UHF methodologist interested in collaborating with cognitive neuroscientists and other 11.7 T team members to boost the fMRI activity by tackling fundamental challenges related to ultra-high field scanners, including motion correction, parallel transmission, sequence design and programming, B0 field inhomogeneity mitigation, post-processing strategies, etc.. The candidate should be a junior to mid-career researcher with publication record, excellent problemsolving and communication skills. Experience with Siemens technology and with funding acquisition are a plus.
Pour postuler, envoyez votre CV et votre lettre de motivation par e-mail à aurelie.mazouyes@cea.fr
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